SteriWare Spoons
The complete range is manufactured and packed in a Cleanroom. They are designed to be used straight from the bag which eliminates the risk of cross contamination and means there is no costly cleaning.

Sampling Spoons
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- The SteriWare sampling spoons are ideal for use in Pharmaceutical, Food and industrial environments
- The spoons are ideal tool for taking powder, liquid, cream and paste samples
- Available in White, Blue and Red
- The blue and red colour means they can easily seen if left in the material in line with HACCP guidelines
- Range of sizes from 3ml to 10ml
- Available sterile (SAL 10−6 ) and non-sterile

Long Handled Spoons
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- The long handed spoons mean it is easy to scoop powder and liquid from a distance
- The spoons are available in a straight or an angled shape
- Made from food grade HDPE, which is ideal for most applications as it is strong and rigid
- Conforms to the latest FDA and EU requirements
- BSE/TSE free.
- Available sterile (SAL 10−6 ) and non-sterile
- 10ml and 20ml volumes

USP Class VI Sterile Spoons
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- Made from high grade medical USP class VI HDPE which has good chemical resistance and can be easily recycled
- This premium range is double bagged. A box liner is also used giving a third layer of protection
- Commonly used in the manufacture and sampling of cosmetics, food and pharmaceuticals
- Available in 3ml and 10ml sizes

Volumetric Spoons
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- SteriWare Volumetric Spoons enable set volumes to be accurately measured and sampled
- Suitable for use with powders, granules, liquids, gels and suspensions
- A wide range of sizes from 1ml to 20ml are available
- Special sizes are available on request
- The long handle keeps hands away from the material being sampled or measured
- Available sterile (SAL 10−6 ) and non-sterile

Double-ended Dosing Spoons
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- Dosing spoons are a cost effective spoon for sampling, decanting and measuring.
- The double ended spoon means both 2.5 and 5ml can be measured and sampled from the same spoon.
- They are ideal for use in the hospitals, laboratory, quality control and production environments.
- Manufactured from robust shatterproof PS.
- EC and FDA conforming material
- BSE/TSE free
- Available sterile (SAL 10−6 ) and non-sterile